About Us

Textile Apparel Jobs
Revolutionising the Employment Landscape in India

Unemployment is a pressing issue in India, and the textile and apparel industry has the potential to offer a significant number of job opportunities. Recognising this potential, TEXTILE APPAREL JOBS, an Indian Global Online Employment Platform, aims to bridge the gap between organisations seeking skilled professionals and individuals searching for meaningful career opportunities. Our Mission is to eradicate unemployment, and our Vision is to provide a one-stop solution for human resources in the global textile and apparel industry.

The Significance of the Textile and Apparel Industry in India
The textile and apparel industry plays a crucial role in India's economy, contributing 14% to industrial production, 4% to the country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and constituting 15% of the nation's export earnings. Moreover, this industry holds the distinction of being the second-largest employment provider in India. With such significance, it becomes imperative to address the pressing HR needs of this industry.

The Objective: HR Solutions for the Textile and Apparel Industry
The Objective of TEXTILE APPAREL JOBS is to provide effective human resource solutions to the textile and apparel industry. We understand that acquiring and retaining top talent is an art and science. Our platform aims to simplify and streamline the recruitment process, connecting organisations with the right candidates who possess the necessary skills and expertise.

TEXTILE APPAREL JOBS is a part of TVC MEDIA AND PROMOTION PVT. LTD., Mumbai, India. As the sister brand of TEXTILE VALUE CHAIN, a trade media serving the global textile and apparel industry since 2012, we bring a wealth of experience and expertise to our recruitment platform. Our extensive network and in-depth understanding of the industry allow us to connect employers and job seekers effectively.

For Everyone: Free Services on TextileApparelJobs.com

At TEXTILE APPAREL JOBS, we believe in accessibility and inclusivity. Our platform is free for everyone, ensuring that both organisations and individuals can benefit from our services without any financial constraints. By offering free access, we strive to democratise the employment landscape and contribute towards reducing unemployment rates.

Expertise in the Textile Apparel Industry

Our team at TEXTILE APPAREL JOBS consists of industry experts who have a deep understanding of the specific needs and requirements of the textile and apparel industry. With this expertise, we ensure that our platform aligns perfectly with the industry's demands, facilitating successful matches between employers and job seekers.

User-Friendly Platform for Efficient Recruitment

We have designed our platform to be user-friendly and efficient, making it easier for organisations to find the right talent and for individuals to discover their dream jobs. Through intuitive features and advanced search capabilities, employers can post job listings and browse through a pool of qualified candidates. Job seekers, on the other hand, can create profiles, upload their resumes, and explore a wide range of opportunities.

How Does TEXTILE APPAREL JOBS Benefit Job Seekers?

If you are an individual seeking meaningful career opportunities in the textile and apparel industry, TEXTILE APPAREL JOBS is the perfect platform for you. By creating a profile on our platform, you gain access to numerous job listings tailored specifically to your skills and expertise. Whether you are a seasoned professional or a fresh graduate, we cater to all levels of experience and provide a wide range of career paths to choose from.

How Does TEXTILE APPAREL JOBS Benefit Employers?

For organisations in the textile and apparel industry, finding the right talent can be a daunting task. TEXTILE APPAREL JOBS simplifies the recruitment process by offering a vast pool of skilled professionals ready to contribute to your organisation's growth. Our platform allows you to post job listings, browse and shortlist candidates, and connect with them seamlessly.

Join Us Today: Unlocking Opportunities in the Textile and Apparel Industry
TEXTILE APPAREL JOBS is revolutionising the employment landscape in the textile and apparel industry by providing a comprehensive platform for HR solutions. By connecting organisations with efficient human resources and offering individuals their dream jobs, we strive to eradicate unemployment and contribute to the growth of the industry. Join Us Today and unlock a world of opportunities in the textile and apparel sector!